Corporate Valuation Support

If you can read the numbers, your company will change dramatically.


Correctly recognizing and communicating the value of a company not only benefits the company’s reputation,
It is also effective for financing and investment, and can lead to favorable negotiations for stock or business transfers.
In addition, it is important to be able to explain the value of your company in numerical terms,
It is also important to know about the objective evaluation of your company’s stock and intellectual property, which is one of the bases for the evaluation.
and intellectual property, which is one of the bases for evaluation, so that you can explain the value of your company in numerical terms.

■Stock Price Valuation Service

Based on our experience in valuing a large number of companies, from listed to unlisted companies,
We provide stock price valuation services based on our experience in valuing many companies, both listed and unlisted.

・Valuation of Corporate Value
There are various valuation methods such as the DCF method, the net asset value method, and the comparable company method,
We evaluate corporate value based on the valuation method appropriate to the client’s situation.

・Valuation of the company’s shares
Understanding the valuation of company stock is important for business succession and inheritance planning.
In addition, in the case of gifts, transfers, and purchases of company stock, the appropriate stock price depends on the relationship between the seller/buyer and the company.
If there is a large discrepancy between the fair market value and the appropriate share price, there is a risk for tax purposes.
In order to determine the appropriate share price, it is recommended to have a professional valuation performed.

■Intellectual Property Evaluation Services

This service calculates and evaluates the value of intellectual property rights.

・Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights

This is a service to calculate the value of intellectual property (patents, design rights, etc.) owned by a company on a value basis.
The above also has a significant impact on the valuation of a company.
Therefore, this service is also a part of the basic requirements for stock price valuation.

There are various methods of IP value calculation depending on the purpose,
The most common are the cost approach, the market approach, and the income approach,
The cost approach, the market approach, and the income approach are typical examples.

The cost, market, and income approaches are effective for calculating the value of IP when buying, selling, or transferring IP.
The value of intellectual property can change drastically depending on the social environment, age, and other factors,
We can also provide revaluation, periodic review, and re-adjudication.